Social Media


What are people saying about YOU or your Brand?

This is the first time that brands have the opportunity to be a major part of a user’s conversation on Facebook and all social media platforms for you to take advantage of.  That means every time someone comments on your status, photo, video, discussion thread, or anything else, you need to respond to it.  Gone are the days of a one-way conversation in which the brands talk down to their customers.  We are in the midst of a conversational revolution and your company needs to be part of it.  At this point, you don’t have the option not to participate.

Failing to engage your customers and potential customers means less revenue, whether you are a small business or a large corporation, you need to be talking to your client and the only way to do that is through a two way dialogue.  They’ll ask you questions that you can reply to and you can ask questions as well.  Ask about what would improve their experience with your company.  Also, ask them about the world in general because at the end of the day, they’re humans just like you.

It takes extra effort to engage your clients and going that extra mile will always keep clients coming back. You want to promote an exceptional brand, right?

Well, Here at Desert Grove Media we understand that it’s extremely important to monitor the conversation that users are having within your branded Social Media Pages, it’s also extremely important to help spark the conversation. We customize Facebook sites that look unique that set you apart from your competition. We have a solid team to help you get the maximum exposure online.

DGM will create a Custom Facebook Fan page or landing page by integrating your Company Website info and embed it in your social sites.

DGM will create a Custom Blog site

DGM will Enhance your Twitter, Facebook and Youtube Channel

DGM will Update and Maintain all your social sites on a daily basis

DGM will create a commercial, video message, 4 45.sec promo videos.

DGM will create a fan base on your company’s search Criteria

DGM will send bi-weekly progress reports based on the Facebook Fan site

DGM will promote the products and services to all our media outlets including all our affiliates online.

DGM will create any promotional ads for example: New Bonuses, Product Discounts, Coupons, Conference calls, Reminders, Promotions, Etc.

DGM will help with Your Company’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization)