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“Polar Fever” Sufferer Could Have Stayed Home to Cool His Fever

Antarctic temperatures meet their match in Maine, Chicago, and elsewhere in the States. “In my hometown of Chicago it was colder than here in the Antarctic. And at least we’re well-equipped and mentally and physically prepared for the challenge,” PolarExplorers guide Keith Heger says.

(Antarctica January 17th)
One thing self-confessed victims of “Polar Fever” Keith Heger and his international team of South-Pole-bound international trekkers were insulated from was the news of the exceptionally cold winter weather much, much farther North.

The experienced polar guide for PolarExplorers.com found the weather in Antarctica chilly as it dropped into the minus-degree teens, twenties, and thirties below zero but he imagined his compatriots back home were enjoying warmer weather. “It was a shock to hear the temperatures ordinary people were encountering in the U.S., even reaching -50 in Maine! Even in my hometown of Chicago it was colder than here in the Antarctic. And at least we’re well-equipped and mentally and physically prepared for the challenge.”

Some school districts in the United States closed schools because they were afraid that children waiting for school buses might suffer from frostbite and hypothermia. Would the kids have been better off in Antarctica?

“Here, our intense cross-country skiing while pulling a sledge tends to keep us warm enough. At times, it can actually get hot, which is why we manage and layer our clothing and other gear so carefully. And of course, we have the goal of reaching the South Pole, which keeps us inspired.”

Heger is now going on to lead a group to climb Mount Vinson, the highest point on the continent of Antarctica. He is providing a daily audio blog and Antarctica photos at polarexplorers.com/blogs/; select “South Pole Expedition”. Phone interviews via satellite phone can be arranged by calling company founder Rick Sweitzer at 847-828-8388 or 847 256 4409 for scheduling.

Polar Explorers is recognized as one of the “Best Outfitters on Earth” by National Geographic Adventure. Part of The Northwest Passage, Polar Explorers has been leading trips to the North and South Poles since 1993.


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